Lighting and Color Technology in Architecture and Interior

Lighting and Color Technology in Architecture and Interior

Table of contents

Lighting and Color Technology in Architecture and Interior - In building an apartment in Bali or a house, the use of color and lighting techniques is an integral part. Imagine your own house can be like a stage show. Like in theater, light here can be used to convey or influence one's emotions and create moods, from formal to romantic and can stimulate the human brain to feel relaxed. A good drama or film can be seen from the skillful use of lighting techniques. Unfortunately, lighting in residential homes usually seems monotonous and does not use special lighting techniques. Taking inspiration from lighting techniques from a theater stage or a film can be very beneficial for designing lighting in your own home.

Variations in lighting design

Variations in lighting design need to be adapted to three basic functions, namely: room lighting, accent lighting and mood lighting.

To achieve the right mix of lighting, adapting to different moods and functional needs within it, requires a variety of light sources with varying light intensities. To form the basis for different lighting, such as on a stage show. It is now up to the user to change and dim the lamp according to their individual needs.

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A centralized lighting control system will be very convenient here. With the lighting control system, one of them can be used to save complex lighting and adjust it as needed with just the press of a button. Any lighting mood can thus be created, such as for parties or work sessions, quiet hours with a book or an intimate evening for a couple.

The interaction of light, time and space here can be used to create a variety of special feelings. The technical requirements include that the signal receiver can be installed in a lamp or electrical panel box. Stand-alone lamps or table lamps can also be integrated at a later date using special adapter plugs. The signal receiver is controlled by a remote control device, a multifunction switch or a computer, and is adjusted according to the user's requirements.

But as technology continues to develop, a smartphone will become a remote control center, starting from adjusting lighting to remote control of electronic devices at home. A good lighting system, installed and programmed by experts in the lighting field, so that it will be easy to operate and meet the challenges of daily use.

For the elderly or people with disabilities (special needs) in particular because their movement is quite limited, such a system will be very convenient for them, because all systems can be controlled remotely easily.

Light and color

In the world of architecture and lighting engineering, color has a very important role, because it has character values ​​and psychological effects on the viewer and can give a certain impression or meaning.

Color serves to speak visually in the context of general characters that are easier to understand. So great is the power of color, that it can have a psychological effect on people who see it. In a residential house that is private, the division of space zones does not only use a dividing wall or different materials but can also be separated using different lighting colors, because the color of light can shape one's emotions.

Color analysis in interior design and residential architecture. Colors are divided into three groups, namely: primary colors (red, blue, yellow), secondary colors (a combination of primary colors such as red + blue = purple, red + yellow = orange, blue + yellow = green), tertiary colors ( a combination of primary and secondary colors such as yellow + green = brown, blue + green = turquoise, etc.).

Colors can also be grouped into two groups, namely: hot or warm colors (red to yellow) and cool or cool colors (green to blue).

The meaning of the colors are as follows:
White: gentle, simple, neat and clean.
Black: firm, calm, focused, elite, empty and lonely.
Red: strong, warm, attracts attention and love.
Yellow: optimistic, confident, alert and positive.
Blue: consistent, concentrated, calm and rigid.
Green: nature, relaxation, calm and coolness.
Orange: cheerful, energetic, sensual and appetite trigger.
Chocolate: natural, soft and serious.
Gray: mature, safe and calm.
Pink: feminine, peaceful, harmonious and sweet.
Purple: mysterious, noble and arrogant.
Gold: success and class.

Color lighting production is possible thanks to modern RGB control systems for LED or fluorescent lamps. The system works with mixed additive colors, which can theoretically produce 16.7 million colors from the three primaries (red, green, light blue) by finely adjusting their respective intensities.

In most cases, the RGB control system offers the possibility of running through programmed color sequences with different speed or color settings selected for static lighting. Lamps with dynamic RGB (color changing) control systems have been on the market for some time now.

Since LED swept into the domestic lighting market, LED technology has also become competitive for the needs of individual consumers. Here the market offers a wide variety of large and small RGB controlled lighting objects. But for now, the overall production of color lamps for walls or ceilings can only be made by quality manufacturers.

RGB controlled LEDs have also moved into the realm of furniture design. A number of manufacturers of lamps and manufactured furniture, for example, market shelves with additional lamps, sideboards or illuminated tables. Retail lighting specialists, electrical engineering and lighting designers are the best people to consult on this matter.

Examples of lighting and color technology

1. Mobile LED lights can be used flexibly in the home for light-colored rooms and create seamless color combinations.
2. The lighting control system provides the convenience of remote switching and sun dimming - so no more awkward task of setting each luminaire individually.
3. Sophisticated lighting concepts can inspire the same room with a completely different lighting atmosphere.

The blue scene represents a fresh morning with diffused cold light and harsh, intensely focused warm white accents.

The red example simulates a Mediterranean afternoon during a warm autumn, directed, soft light against the backdrop of a reddish sky.

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